Thursday, May 23, 2013

Quarter - Responsive WordPress Blogging Theme

Quarter - Responsive WordPress Blogging Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

Quarter is a fully minimalistic design and responsive WordPress theme, suited for blogging.

Quarter developed on the Zurb Foundation framework for responsive development so it look beautiful at any screen size. It is customizable via the WordPress Theme Customizer yet it is as simple as possible.

Post Formats

Quarter WordPress theme supports audio, video, image, quote and gallery post formats.


Scan the following QR Code to see the template in action


Quarter WordPress Theme Features

  • Fully Responsive

  • Latest Tweets custom Widget

  • Fancybox 2 integrated to all image related post formats

  • Audio, Video, Image, Quote, Gallery post formats support

  • Gallery Post Format as native WordPress Gallery or as slider (FlexSlider)

  • Audio Post Format using Soundcloud Emded Code

  • WordPress Theme Customizer to change a few options about theme

  • HTML5 / CSS3 tableless design with Validated Code

  • Developed with WP_DEBUG enabled

  • Built with Foundation 3

  • Localization ready (.po file included)

  • Widget ready

  • Google web fonts

  • Well structured Markup and Well commented CSS

  • Cross browser

Change Logs

16 Apr 2013

Changed : Superfish.js script (multilevel menu) has been updated to last version to sorting out some issues to iOS (iphone/ipad)
Updated files
- javascripts/superfish.js
- stylesheets/superfish.css

02 Apr 2013

Changed : Main stylesheet is now in style.css
and it is editable via WordPress editor.
Added : Instagram Icon
Updated files
- Main stylesheet (style.css)
- Theme Customizer (lib/wp_customizer.php)
- header.php
- functions.php

07 Mar 2013

Added : Excerpt Length defined by Theme Customizer
Added : Next / Previous Post Link in Single Post
Updated files
- Main stylesheet (stylesheets/layout.css)
- Theme Customizer (lib/wp_customizer.php)
- single.php
- functions.php

05 Mar 2013

Fixed : linked images underlined in posts/pages
Updated files
- Main stylesheet (stylesheets/layout.css)

03 Mar 2013

Pinterest icon has been added
Updated files
- Theme Customizer (lib/wp_customizer.php)
- Header (header.php)
- Pinterest icon (images/icons/pinterest.png)


  • Photos by Deposit Photos (not included in downloadable theme)

  • Video by Xanthippi Papadopoulou

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